Monday, October 10, 2011

It's Almost Halloween, but Preston Wants to Celebrate Valentine's Day!

As of last week, Preston found a new favorite book (previously it was Good Night Moon <Thanks Meme> and The Foot Book).  He found Happy Valentine's Day, Mouse by Laura Numeroff (same author that wrote If You Give a Mouse a Cookie), and the boy is IN love.  His friend Lily gave it to him for Valentine's this year, and he hasn't really paid much attention to it until now.  EVERY night, he comes up to both Brad and I, hands us the book, and turns around to sit in our lap.  We love this time with Preston.  He eagerly pops up and down in between the two of us until it is bed time.  I caught Brad reading it to him on video a couple of nights ago.  Seeing this again already makes me think how I am going to miss this SO much when get gets older!  I hope he NEVER outgrows wanting us to read to him!

Please see how he has learned some of the parts of the book. 
Our favorite is "Who's at the door?" UGH melts me heart every time!