Thursday, February 16, 2012

Little Time, So Lots of Videos

Things have just been crazy here lately which means I have been slacking on my blog posts (as my mom so nicely pointed out yesterday).  

SOOOO....Here are several videos capturing the past month with Preston!  

Here is Preston enjoying the crazy Texas weather (mid 70s in February that is).  You will notice his large black eye.  That was battle wound from a fight over a slide (I sure hope he won after that shiner).

Mama taught him well...

Taking care of bear.

Oh wow!  (AND please disregard my house- this is what happens when you have 4 adults and 2 kids living in a 2,000 sq ft house over the weekend)!

Preston had RSV (I know, sigh) again last week.  He stayed out of school all week.  We were very thankful to my mom and Candace who stepped in and each took a day off of work to help us out.  This was my day with him- he didn't seem that sick did he???

Opening his Valentine's Day card from Meme.

Quite possibly one of my favorite videos ever.  I still can't believe how quickly he picks things up!  He isn't even two yet and knows his ABCs from beginning to end and can count to 13 all on his own.  I think we're in for it as he gets older.  He's too smart for his own good (and ours for that matter)!