Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Take a Picture- It Last Longer!

Here is a picture update (which I know is the most important part) of the happenings in Preston's life!

Mid-May Aunt Candace and Ava came to take care of Preston while Aunt Katie was out of town-
Aunt Candace got some super cute pictures:)

How about a milk beard instead of a milk mustache?

He loves to blow kisses!

Personal opinion alert: I think they look just alike in this picture- but that's just me!

Playing the WII

Tooth brush and all...

We incorporated "teeth brushing" into Preston's bed time routine right when he turned one.  Let's just say he LOVES it- so much so he carries his tooth brush everywhere with him and screams when I brush my teeth because he wants to join.  SO I'm guessing the whopping SIX teeth that he has are very clean!

Things brings new meaning to the term "bed head," or should I say "crib" head?!?

Preston got a leather chair.  Oddly enough, his Daddy has been wanting one for years, but he got one first!

I know, I know.   We swore we weren't turning around his car seat until he was TWO- or even 18 months at the earliest- BUT things change... reference "Never Say Never" post.  Preston was turning into a monster in the car, so when he turned 13 months (as he met legal standards at 20 lbs and 12 mo), we turned him around.  Life is SO much better- until he throws things at me....

"Yes mom, I have your wallet... I am very used to spending your money already."

This is supposed to be a race track toy that little cars go around (Sissy's Easter present to P).

BUT Preston thinks it's so much more fun to ride on it:)

The pictures above and below were taken right when Preston started taking independent steps.  Please notice how his hands are straight up in the air.  How do I explain to a one year old that doesn't help with balance and is the main reason he gets carpet burn on his cute little forehead?

He has become obsessed with his Daddy's ties- LOVES them!

One morning, when I woke up, I couldn't find the two of them- after looking in the back yard, this is what I found.  I don't know what got more water- the plants or Preston?  BUT he does love it- and now, every night, we all go outside to water the plants (and Preston)!

Swimming and Watermelon (and a cute toddler too)!

And finally- our first OFFICIAL day of summer.  Headed to our first swim lesson (June 7, 2011)