Monday, July 11, 2011

First Comes Love, Then Comes MARRIAGE

Two years ago today, I walked down the aisle to meet my very nervous groom!  UUGGHHH- I cannot BELIEVE it has been that long.  I know SOOO many things have happened to us in this time, but it still feels like that amazing night was yesterday.  We honestly could not have asked for a more perfect wedding.  To this day, we both say, it was the best evening we have ever had (mind you Preston was born in the morning, so I'm not neglecting that moment).  In honor of this, I have decided to look through all 700 and something pictures of the wedding.  Before that, I would like to give a brief timeline of our crazy, eventful, and fun lives in the past TWO years:

July 2009- We were MARRIED!!
August 16, 2009- We found out we were pregnant!!
August 17, 2009- I started my first year teaching
September 2009- We moved in with Brad's Meme while we waited for our house to finish being built.
October 2009- We bought our first house.
November 2009- We found out we were having a BOY!
January 2010- We bought our first car together!
April 2010- We had our BABY BOY!
July 2010- We celebrated our first year of marriage
August 2010- I started my second year teaching
December 2010- We celebrated our first Christmas as a family.
April 2011- BABY BOY turned ONE!
July 2011- We celebrated our second year of marriage

SO- if all of that can happen in two years, I can't wait to see what the NEXT two years have in store for us.