Friday, April 29, 2011

Oh Happy Day!

Happy Birthday to my BIGGER blue-eyed, blonde-haired boy – BradJ
As you know, I’m not by any means the mushy type.  I’m not one to watch romantic movies and ew and aw over a tender kiss or embracing hug in the rain (unless we are referring The Office episodes where Jim and Pam get engaged or married- I was a basket case).  In fact (if you can believe it) I’ve never even seen the Notebook (I know- dramatic gasps here).  I guess you would say- I’m just not that into THAT stuff.  I don’t call all of my friends or blast on facebook all about the amazing man that I married because let’s face it- who are these people really trying to convince that he is just go great?  Their friends or themselves?
BUTTTTTTTTTT- it is Brad’s birthday, and I think he finally deserves his time to shine (as normally Preston and I take up most of the spotlight).  SO here are 26 reasons (random ones included) why I am lucky to have such a wonderful 26 year old (as of today thank you very much) husband:
1.        He loves me (and makes sure to tell me every day).

2.       He loves our son.

3.       He loves my family.

4.       My family loves him.

5.       He doesn’t make me cook- he doesn’t mind those fancy Lean Cuisines or cereal AND he also doesn’t mind cooking (or baking) himself.  He knew he wasn’t marrying Rachael Ray- and he was very much ok with that.

6.       He doesn’t make me do yard work.  If you know me, this would be similar to what jail would be like in my eyes.  Let’s face it- I hate to be hot and, in turn, I hate to sweat (well, unless there’s a refreshing pool next to me while I’m sunbathing).

7.       He notices the little stuff- when I do something different to my hair or when I wear something new.

8.       He listens (well, most of the time- he is a man let’s remember).

9.       He wants to give me the best in life (as you can tell, he’s is thus not the “buget-er” of the family).

10.   He’s impulsive (which can sometimes backfire, but for the most part is entertaining- again, this is also the reason he in fact not the “buget-er.”)

11.   He’s never questioned my spending- it’s usually the other way around.

12.   He values my opinion.

13.   He cares about my job, interest, feelings, and hobbies, anything I want to talk about.

14.   He’s an EXTREMELY active father- he helps with anything and everything involving Preston.

15.   He’s hilarious- even when he’s not trying to be.

16.   He gets along with basically anyone (but shares his true feelings with me).

17.   He likes to entertain at our house (bring on Mother’s Day Brunches, Christmas Dinners, and Thanksgiving Lunches- he’s all about it).

18.   He watches my shows (even my terrible addiction: Teen Mom) and records his sports.

19.   He doesn’t sweat the small stuff.

20.   He’s tender hearted (this might just the one of the best things about him).

21.   He’s confident but not conceited.

22.   He’s ridiculously anal when it comes to cleaning.

23.   He’s handy.

24.   He doesn’t judge me.

25.   He makes me feel safe.

26.   He needs me as much as I need him.