I have waited my whole life to celebrate Mother's Day as a mother. Last year, Preston was a mere 2 weeks old, but it still brought me so much joy knowing that I was officially a mother. This year, well, this year was GREAT!!! We were able to share the day with some of the most amazing people in my life- and I wouldn't have had it any other way! Brad and I spent the night before and morning cooking a fabulous (if I do say so myself) brunch for the family... which included: My mom, Greg, Meme, Brandi, Bell, Justin, Candace, Ava, Brad, Preston, and myself! It was such a laid back day and this will forever be one of the moments/ days I cherish.
I'd like to point out that it is very rare that we have a relaxed day with all THREE kiddos and close family all around that isn't a holiday...
ohhhhh and to enlarge any group of pictures- just click on it :)
Mother's Day 2011 Emerson Family Photo |
Preston and Bell doing a little "train pushing!" |
Play gym playing! |
Preston was very lucky to have both of his aunts to love on him! |
Moms and Babies
We also celebrated Isabella's birthday as she is turning TWO this weekend... CrAzY |
While Preston napped, we did a little bubble playing outside on this BEAUTIFUL spring day! |
When the crazy kid got up- we had LOTS of water fun:)
The kiddos: Ava, Isabella, and Preston |
The time for some POOL fun!
Preston was a little more into eating blueberries than playing in the pool
Resting because being one is a lot of work... |
Sisters: First Mother's Day TOGETHER as mothers... great memories!
The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new. ~Rajneesh |