Friday, January 6, 2012

Can a Monkey Really Brush His Teeth?

Who knew a stool would make a one year old so excited to brush his teeth?  Sissy gave Preston a little airplane stool for Christmas, and the boy is now obsessed with brushing his teeth (aka: starring at himself, talking to himself, playing in the water, turning the water on and off, admiring his beauty, oh- and moving the tooth brush around in his mouth).  Every night, he runs into the bathroom and says “Bush teet.”  Because I’m the crazy person that has to follow the same routine every night (and I may or may not be turning Preston into that person as well), he must take a bath first.  You would think I was torturing the kid by simply making him smell good before his teeth are all clean.  That is, unless, we are using “Montey Tow-El.”  This is also a favorite.  When he finally makes it through the horrible bath, he climbs VERY proudly onto his stool with monkey towel placed quite perfectly on his round little head.  (And we don’t dare try to take it off because that is evidently VERY important in the teeth brushing experience).  I (or Brad), of course, really brush his teeth first, and then it’s all fun and games for little man.  This is just another classic moment in our evening routine. 
**Side note: Two nights ago, I tried to multitask and lotion Preston up while brushing his teeth.  He screamed bloody murder and wanted down immediately.  Last night, he refused to even stand on the stool.  Do you think he is trying to tell me he was not a fan of me distracting from his teeth brushing time?  It will be interesting to see what takes place this evening.  Oh that boy!