Brad, Preston, and I visited the Gray family last weekend in Nashville. We knew the planes rides could go one of two ways- good or bad. Well, we got both. On the way there, he was PERFECT.... I mean to the point that people around us were commenting on how great he did. We were, to say the least, shocked. On the way home, um, that was a different story (he may or may not have: thrown his dinosaur at the man sitting next to us, spilled some drinking, threw Cheetos everywhere, screamed on and off at random points, pushed up and down the window shade a million times, and so much more that I have blacked it out from my memory). BUT in the grand scheme of things, we were just happy to see my family and having one out of the two flights be totally awesome made it all ok.
Family is so important... especially now that we have Preston, and last weekend was wonderful. I would like to give a very special thank you to my Aunt Leigh and Mama Gray for making this all possible and enduring life with a toddler for four days... it can be exhausting, but they helped us enjoy every moment!
Here are a few pictures from a fun filled FAMILY vacation!
What do you think they would do if I turned this water on? |
He WAS so excited to finally be able to play outside
(because in Texas, it has literally been over 100 degrees everyday) |
He also LOVED watching the rain
(again another thing we haven't seen in a LONG time). |
Preston was definitely ready for bed by this time. |
Excuse his bed head the next morning, but he loved Mama Gray's shoes. |
My favorite picture from the trip:) |
Yes, he thought he could fit into Phoebe's kennel.
He would tell us buh-bye and try to get in. Clearly, it didn't work. |
Watching the golfers. I would love if he would pick up this sport.
Lots of scholarships... haha! |
Yes, I'll just take this one home. |
Second favorite picture:) |
This is where the TN hockey team plays...
clearly I don't know much because I couldn't tell you their name right now if my life depended on it. |
I was VERY excited to get our picture in front of Tootsie's Orchid Lounge.
Being a VERY big country fan, I know countless artist that have played/ started here! |
This is where Leigh and Brian had their first date... so neat! |
P being a trooper during the walk around downtown.
(And yes, I gave him his paci so we could all enjoy the scenery)! |
On the infamous plane ride home.... |