Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thank You, Technology!

I completely love the fact that my phone has a video camera in it... I mean what did people do 20 years ago to document all of these wonderful moments?  Oh wait, I know, they tried to make the kid continue what they were doing that was just so cute while the found the massive, over-your-shoulder video camera (that actually held actual size VHS tapes).  Advancements in technology have not only helped those moms (like me) who rarely have time to wash their hair on a daily basis, but everyone in the world around us!  Now, every time I see Preston doing something I just never want to forget, all I have to do is grab my phone (which we all know is sitting right beside me even thought half the time I can't answer it due to my very demanding one year old), flip on the video camera, and try to capture it.  Sometimes Preston just stops performing the instant I press record, sometimes he starts screaming because he wants WATCH himself in his videos on my camera instead of being recorded (this is one of his favorite things to do), and sometimes, just sometimes, I capture what I'm trying to get- my cute little boy doing cute little things (well, at least him mom thinks so)!

Last week, Preston had a very rough week every day after school (let's be honest, I had one of my most trying weeks as a teacher as well, and I'm sure that rubbed off on him).  One day, I just couldn't take it.  Preston had been screaming for about 20 minutes straight and NOTHING I was doing was working.  I called Brad (maybe by this point I was also crying) and said... WHAT DO I DO???  Immediately he said, um take him outside.  Does father know son?  Yes, yes he does. I asked P... "Want to go outside?"  He STOPPED, said "ow-side," and ran to the door.  No intense crying after that.  I took him outside and brought his fancy dinner of easy mac along with us (don't judge me- please read the previous statement about it being an awful week for the both of us <and to be honest, even if it wasn't an awful week, he'd probably still be eating it>).  Here is what I was able to get on camera... I was trying for more, but as you can see, the boy was busy (NOT CRYING)!

This past weekend we were at my mom and Greg's watching the Cowboys game.  Preston was playing, girls were chatting, and boys were watching the game.  All of the sudden, Greg said something and ended the conversation with "One."  Preston immediately said, "two."  I was shocked.  I thought, that had to be a fluke.  So what did I do?  Said one again, that's right.  Preston said "two." I said "three."  Preston said "fur."  (At this point I was freaking out.  I said five, and yes, he said "sii."  I didn't try any other higher numbers because I was pretty sure he had learned this from his breathing treatments he does daily.  He is required to use his inhaler 2 times twice a day.  Each time he must take six breaths, and each time Brad and I count very clearly and loudly to six.  That means for over a month is has heard us count to "6" four times a day... and what did he pick up?  Of course, I made him do it about a million times that day, and was just SO proud of my boy.  First thing Monday afternoon, I finally thought to get out my phone to record it, and of course, it isn't as perfect as I'd like it to be... but he eventually gets it down a little bit (just forgetting four)!  I love my smart little man:)

And finally, two nights ago, the weather got a little crazy, so we brought his "side" in.  Preston has loved it being in there!  Yesterday, he was cracking himself up going down the slide!  Thank you Meme for such a great birthday Preston- the boy can't get enough of it:)