Monday, February 28, 2011

"Hi, I'm Preston- and I'm TEN months old."

It is still hard to believe that baby boy is TEN months old.  I know people say time flies- but I didn't think it would be THIS fast.  Now let's by honest, the first two months drug on and on and on.  (The sleepless night, long days, nursing every 2-3 hours, diapers, cleaning, diapers, etc.).  I didn't know if those days would ever end- but now, oddly enough, I already miss them.  I miss him sleeping on my chest throughout the day, staying in one place (where I left him is EXACTLY where he would be when I returned), ugh, and SO much more.   I am VERY happy where we are right now, but every stage is different.  There is always something to look forward to next and always something to miss in the past.  

Here are a few things Preston has accomplished in his 10 months of life on Earth:
1.  Sleeping through the night from about 7 to 7/8 in his crib (this happened around 6 months of age, and is by far, his greatest accomplishment from my point of view).
2.  Seating, pulling up, crawling, and easily transitioning between the three no matter where he is or what he is doing
3.  NAPPING in his crib (he usually takes 2 - 2 hour naps a day)!
4.  Saying: Mama, Dada, B-bye, Hi, and a bunch of other consonant-vowel sounds (I'm still not sure he is saying these on purpose aside from Dada and Hi- those are usually used appropriately).
5.  Clapping and waving (though he is currently taking a hiatus from these for some reason).
6.  Throwing (why we taught him this is still beyond me).
7.  Getting into anything and everything (aside from dog food- for some reason it scares him- and I am grateful for that).
8.  Eating some table foods (he is gradually starting to like some): he's had chicken, grilled cheese, peaches, mangoes, bananas, tomato soup, potato soup, saltine crackers (these are a favorite), avocado, toast, green beans, french fries, mac and cheese, and that's all I can think of right now).
9.  Playing independently
10.  Fake coughing, copying sounds
11.  Drinking from a sippy cup (he does this all day at Katie's- doesn't even use a bottle there)!

Here are a few pictures capturing Preston at his finest at 10 months of age!

Standard monthly shot

Yes, I'll play with this toy

Playing in my drawers

Teething on my lotion

I need the camera, Mom

Yes, Dad, I can help pull weeds

Smile for mom while trying to work

What's up here that I can get into?