Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What's Happening?

I would like to introduce you to the 4 newest members of the Emerson Family.  Though I wasn't the biggest fan of the idea, seeing Preston with the fish is simply amazing!  The boy LOVES to just sit and stare at them.  Every night, after his bath, we take him in his playroom to say "Night, Night," to his fish.  Every time, without hesitation, he gives them a big grin and wave!

"Pongo or Purdy"

"Two Tone" AND "Pongo or Purdy"


You will notice that we went with the 101 Dalmatian theme for the "dalmatian molly's" (clever, yes I know).  And with the shark from Nemo with the "shark fish."  (I had Candace research this because I couldn't remember the name of the sharks, so I was just going to go with JAWS... Brad thought the one from Nemo would be better).

AND NOW TO PRESENT (drum roll please) PRESTON'S PLAYROOM!  Yes, it has taken almost 9 months (note that is also the age of our child) to FINALLY finish almost all of it.  AND I have to say I am VERY pleased with it all! 

This is the view when you walk in.  I'm in LOVE with the super cute rug!
It has the perfect colors:)
I can't decide if I am going to leave the football and baseball pictures on the window seat-
oddly enough, Candace just sat them there to fold out the couch for Ava, and for
some reason, I kind of liked them there... we will see.

This is the window seat that I hope one day to fill completely with books. 
I have already started, but kids books just don't take up a lot of room, so his library
looks kind of sad.  The little lamp adds the perfect touch of light for the table (and height
that was needed).  The table fit perfectly under the seat.

Please disregard Preston- he was everywhere when I was trying to take the pictures.
I couldn't keep him out of the view.  This is his little couch from IKEA that also folds out into
and extremely uncomfortable bed, but Ava seems to already love it.

And my favorite part of the whole room (again, please disregard Preston- yes, I know it is
HIS playroom, but come on).  If you know me, you know I LOVE organization
and storage- these cube storage units from IKEA couldn't be more perfect.
I still have some things to add to the shelves hanging on the wall.  And yes, that TV is a bit ridiculous
for a baby, but we did get a great deal.  AND as it turns out, his parents enjoy watching it
while Preston entertains himself (I know, go ahead and judge, but we all need a break
at times).

So far, the playroom is a HUGE success in Preston's eyes.  He has started just crawling in there all on his own.  Of course, Brad or I immediately follow because he is into EVERYTHING these days... and he can't be trusted alone.  He LOVES to pull everything off of the shelves and everything out of it's spot.  I have to remind myself during these moments that it is HIS room to PLAY in, but it's so pretty and when he goes in there it just turns into a wreck.  During bath time, Brad always goes in there and puts everything back where it goes... which is nice because I can go to sleep knowing everything is in it's place (yes, I know I am a bit anal, but you shouldn't be surprised by this).

**On a side note I would like to thank the following stores for helping make his playroom possible: Target, IKEA, Best Buy, Petco, Hobby Lobby, Home Goods, and NUMEROUS toy stores. 

Being silly

Playing with Daddy

Preston has learned some dance moves (thank to Katie and Caroline).
He seems to take after his daddy in that department... haha!

"Alright, I know the ball goes up here, but I just can't quite figure it out." -Preston
AND from a teachers stand point, I was VERY excited when he figured this out on his own:)

"Well, I guess I'll just have to pick up the whole thing to put this on top." -Preston
 The weather was GORGEOUS on Saturday, and while Daddy finished his "garage project," (which is a whole other story), little guy and I went for a walk and a trip to our neighborhood park.  He was VERY unsure about the swing at first.  BUT eventually relaxed a bit and LOVED it.  I can't wait to do this all summer (of course only in the morning because I don't want to be covered in sweat from the 100 degree heat).

The following pictures would be Preston "helping"  (cough- hindering-cough) me unload the dishwasher.  Nothing is more relaxing then doing the dishes with a 9 month old attached to your leg like a dog in heat (I'm sorry for the dramatic example, but that's really what it's like).  Finally, I opened the dishwasher, and you would have thought it was a treasure chest.  He LOVED it... me....well.... I wish I looked at it that way.  Maybe the other household duties would be easier to do:)

Yes, his hair is starting to touch the collar of his shirt.  And yes, that is a clear sign
that he is getting a mullet- TRUST ME, Candace and I learned our lesson with Ava's mullet, so
I promise to cut it some weekend when we have some down time.
 Finally, I'd like to wrap things up with a picture that pretty much sums up most nights at the Emerson House.  This is Preston (shirtless and ever-classy) eating his oatmeal dinner while laughing at his Daddy making funny noises!  Now, how that much food got all over his face is beyond me, but I didn't complain when I saw this adorable smile underneath it all.  I guess boys will be boys (both son and father).