Sunday, February 27, 2011

It only took 10 months... but we finally got a TOOTH!

After what seems like months of what I thought was "teething," Preston FINALLY got a tooth.  I swear I thought the kid was teething at two months old, and every month after that.  He'd had most of the symptoms- lots of drooling, lots of chewing, some fussiness, etc.... turns out those are also just symptoms of being a baby from the ages of two- ten months.  SO- when Preston was being extremely fussy with a low-grade fever (99.7 at the highest) along with the rest of the previous symptoms the Monday after he got his tubes- I was convinced he wasn't teething and was just having a little reaction the surgery.  As life would have it- the one time I didn't think the boy wasn't teething- he really was! 

The next day (Tues), Katie called me at work to tell me Boo was FINALLY getting a tooth!  We we're SO SO excited- then it was just a waiting game for it to pop all of the way threw.  It took awhile- but as of last week- you could really see the white little tooth!  It clearly isn't all the way threw, but almost! 

After our 8 month "teething" journey.... (drum roll please) I am proud to introduce: