As Preston is FINALLY sleeping his cold, metal hospital crib covered in blankets and his favorite toys, I have a quick minute to update you all on our most resent adventure.
Yesterday, around 12:15, Preston had still not woken up from the NIGHT before. I had been watching him on his video monitor the whole morning and saw him moving around, but by 12:15, I just knew something was wrong. I went it to wake him up, and it was like I was looking at a COMPLETELY different baby. He was very unresponsive, couldn't even sit up, couldn't keep his eyes open. I grabbed him out of his bed, changed his diaper, fed him 10 oz, and took a good look at him... at that moment, I knew something was terribly wrong. I called his doctors office and they told me to rush him to Children's. I honestly couldn't control myself at this moment. I thought I was having a panic attack. I called my mom and Brad and couldn't even get out the words of what was going on all they heard was going to Children's again. I grabbed what I could and rushed out the door with Preston already back asleep.
When we arrived at the hospital (which seemed like it took forever), Brad was already there waiting. What a relief that was... all I kept saying was "I'm so sorry... I should have woken him up sooner." Brad of course, kept trying to reassure me that none of this was my fault. But as mother, that is all you can think. We got back to a room fairly quickly, and then my mom arrive to act as shoulder to cry on/ person to question the nurses on just about everything and anything they did.
After several hours and several tests, an iv, massive diaper explosions, tons of crying, and true heartbreak, they decided to admit Preston to make sure he was getting all of the fluids down that he needed.
Brad and I "roughed" it through the night. He graciously took the laminate floor, blankets, and a pillow while I got the chair-bed but no pillow. We were up several times throughout the night with nurses and doctors, but all together, I think we may have gotten about 5 hours of sleep. We officially woke up around 8 this morning to find a much happier and energetic baby. Unfortunately, we couldn't say the same for daddy. Brad looked awful and said that he felt extremely nauseous. I asked him if he wanted me to go get him some food... his reply... no. At this point, I knew it was serious as the man can ALWAYS eat breakfast. We then decided it would be best for him to go home as he seemed to be getting worse by the minute. (And when I say we decided I mean: I told him to go home because at the moment he was just a waste of space in the tiny little room they are keeping us in. I want to stress that I really do feel so so so sorry for him, but we needed to get him out of here and quickly at that).
About this time, the staff told us that if we could get Preston to eat (which he as doing so well with throughout the night), they would take him off the fluids, monitor him without them and throughout another bottle, and we would be gone by the afternoon. Well who's little boy has decided he doesn't want to eat anymore? Can I blame him? No, not at all. It seems like every time he takes something in, it comes right back out. My poor little guy is being so tough (and crazy now that he has his energy back...)
He's been waving at his nurses, giving them the Preston grin, playing, not eating and not sleeping (well I just got him to go down, so hopefully this will last a while).
I talked to Brad, and he is already vomiting at home which is not a good sign. He was around Preston all day on Wednesday, where as I only saw them that afternoon. I just hope I don't get it too because Preston really needs one of us.
We are waiting to see if P Diddy will eat when he wakes up... please say a prayer for this sweet, precious boy. I hate that he has spent so much time at the hospital in his young little life.
As I sit here watching him, I am grateful that we are here only for these problems and not something worse. I can't help but think of those other innocent children that are going through so much worse. I just want my baby to be healthy and continue to be happy.
This little boy is an amazing fighter, and I know that he will have us out of here in no time...
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Not feeling too good.... get some lovin' from his Daddy. |
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Resting... |
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Finally- my baby boy is back (almost)! |
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Playing Peek-A-Boo is SUPER fun! |