Monday, January 10, 2011

It all begins...

Preston's 6 month well baby check up was quickly approaching.  Brad and I finally decided to switch doctors because his previous doctor just didn't seem to take us seriously when we thought something was wrong with Preston.  She was dismiss our concern as just a cold or teething (lets point out the fact that she suggested this around 4 months of age and the boy still doesn't have a tooth).   I made an appointment with the new doctor, who was recommened to me my several of my friends who recently had babies.  As I waited to visit our her, several thoughts crossed my mind, but I don't think I ever truly expected what was going to be "perscribed."  After listening to all of my conerns and then listening to Preston's lungs, she decided that he needed to be put on a neubulizer to control his wheezing and breathing.  She simply asked, "No one has ever noticed his wheezing before?"  "No." That was the only thing I could think to say.  She then brought in the machine and medicine to show me how to use them.  How does this mother react?  I, of course, bursted into tears.  So many thoughts raced through my mind... What did I do do my baby to make him have to do this?  What could I have done differently?  How long are we going to have to do this?  Is he ever going to be able to play sports?  After my initial fear and shock (and crying on the doctors shoulder), we left the doctors office and started our new life that included several breathing treatments a day.  Luckily, Preston didn't seem to mind them, for the most part. 

Side note: It is also important to mention that at this doctors appointment Preston was also diagnosed with an ear infection.  (Which as most of us now know was just the beginning of a string of infections and we see our ENT Tuesday to finally talk tubes).

One of the first treatments