After a series of doctors visits to check his breathing and his ears, we were sent to Children's Hospital for Preston's breathing. The first time we went, in early December, Preston was diagnosed with Pneumonia. He was not admitted... we were sent home with an antibiotic and several more doctors visits to come. This past Wednesday, we had yet another doctors appointment only to end with the same look... I asked, "Are you going to send us back to Children's?" Dr. Tomberlin then gave me a simple nod and just hugged my neck. Off we went. After several hours of waiting, a set of xrays, close monitoring, blood work, RSV swab, and IV (which I would like to point out took them SIX tries before they actually got one in)... he was admitted. Preston's oxygen levels had dropped into the high 80s (supposed to be around 99-100) and his heart rate jumped to around the 200s. After several hours in what they call "short stay," and about one hour of sleep total, they released us with a diagnoses of broncholitus, RSV, and respiratory distress. The question we want to answer is- Why all of the respiratory problems? Our amazing pediatrician is sending us to a pulmonalogist soon to get the answer to this question and to help control the situation. Following our visit to the ENT, we will visit with Dr. Tomberlin and set up a date to visit the pulmonary specialist. Then, finally, we might have some answers to keep our baby boy healthy.
Here are some pictures from our visit to Children's on 1-5-2011
Waiting to see the dr. |
Getting a SUPER breathing treatment that lasted FOREVER |
Boo finally getting tired |
IV :( |
<3 |