Monday, January 17, 2011

Home Sweet Home

After what seemed like forever in the hospital (but in reality was only 2 days), we are all finally home and both Brad and Preston are feeling better.

The day in the hospital without Brad was so hard and exhausting.  Because Preston was so sick and the doctors couldn't find exactly what was causing it, we were on "Isolation."  This meant that we couldn't leave our room.  If anyone has been around my child, then you know containing him is tough none the less when he's stuck to an iv machine.  It was a long and tiring day for the both of us.  My mom finally got there around 5:00 (after several crying phone calls) and I was able to get something to eat and relax a bit.  Aunt Candace came to visit with new jammies, socks, and some more formula (as Preston refuses to eat the formula provided by the hospital and he also refuses to use their bottles) for baby boo.  He was very excited to see her, and she was an absolute life saver in rocking him to sleep.  G-Pa also came to visit (my step-dad)... to bring mom clothes and me some pillows (because I have now learned that hospital pillows are awful).  Candace and Greg left around 8:00, and  mom and I had a wide awake baby to take care of.  He just wanted to fight his sleep and cling to me.  I know he had been through so much, but by midnight and several attempts to get him to eat and/or sleep... I just kept saying ... "Preston, you know I love you, but PLEASE go to sleep."  It seemed like the night was never going to end.  The doctor we had the night before was back on shift and I absolutely loved her.  She was so sweet and always so honest.  We tried to get Preston to eat, but he just wouldn't take anymore than 3 oz at a time.  She finally told us that she would probably release us at 6 AM and that she just wanted Preston to be pumped up on fluids throughout the night.  Around 1 in the morning, Mom and I finally snuggled up on our chair-bed and let Preston play his little heart out in his crib.  I guess that is what he did because we woke up around 4 AM to find the little boy passed out in his bed.  The nurses woke him up at this time because they had to get his blood pressure, temperature, etc.,  but he passed right out after about 3 oz of formula.  Around 6, the nurse and doctor came in and said they were okay with letting Preston go home if I was.  This was hard because as much as I wanted to go home, I wanted to make sure I was making the decision for Preston.  I just knew taking him home meant close monitoring and continuous attempts at getting him to take him fluids.  After thinking it over, we decided to head home.

Finally, we were on our way out and on our way home.  Well, almost on our way home... of course I couldn't remember what floor I had parked on.  When we arrived, everything was crazy and that was the last thing I was worried about.  After searching ever floor getting on and off the elevator and mom entertaining Preston, we decided the best idea was just just get into Mom's car and drive around.  Yay... we found it... about 20 minutes into the search.  I loaded all of our things and baby boy and off we were... homeward bound!  I called Brad from the highway to tell him the good news and I could tell right away by the way he answered the phone that he too was feeling so much better!  I couldn't help but smile and think... "Thank you GOD for making my family well again." 

We arrived at our house shortly after that, and I fed Preston a bottle (he took all of 1 oz) and put him down in his pack-in-play so I could sanitize the whole house.  I told Brad not to leave our room and I (exhausted) scrubbed, cleaned, Cloroxed, recloroxed, and sanitized everything I could think of.  Preston then woke up about an hour later and I tried to feed him again and then both of us laid down in our guest bedroom.  After about on hour of sleep (which seemed like nothing at this point), I woke up to Turtle (this is a moment that I really mean "turd") whacking me in the face... please note this is not the best way to wake a tired momma!  I just started crying and immediately called Candace and said, "Please come over.. I can't do it ... I'm so tired."  Not an hour later, she was at our door asking what she could do to help.  She dusted the whole house and resanitized anything she thought I would have forgotten.  I was able to get in the shower and just relax.  Brad finally decided to leave the bedroom, but I wouldn't let him even think about touching boo at this time.  I made lunch for the three of us, and then Brad and I made a quick run to the ever-classy Dairy Queen for a blizzard while Aunt Candace stayed with P.  Once we saw Brad was able to help, Candace decided to head home to take care of her baby girl.

We're now just trying to get back into our routine.  Preston is still not eating great, but he is eating.  Brad wanted to buy Preston an aquarium and fish as his get well Preston.  Every time we are in Children's waiting room, P is fascinated with their fake aquarium, so we figured he would love a real one.  We bought the aquarium yesterday, and we will slowly be getting fish as the water neutralizes (Side note: It is simply amazing to me how much work goes into putting a dang fish into some water... I had no idea what a process it was... And while in the pet store, I pointed out to Brad that I will have nothing to do with cleaning nor taking care of the tank, and this was his baby and he gets to take care of it all.  I would also like to point out that Brad has been asking for a fish tank for about 3 years now, and using the baby, he finally got himself one... I wonder what else this is going to happen with?)

My Meme is coming in from Giddings today to stay with us for the week and take care of Turtle while we are at work (as I only have one more day to take off for the rest of the year).  Brad and I are both very excited to have some home cooked meals (as we all know I am not a cook... a simple bowl of cereal or fancy Italian lean cuisine always to do the trick for me).  After this week, my dear friend Katie (who has a little girl Caroline that is 5 months older than Preston), is going to be taking care of Preston.  We decided that being in daycare just wasn't helping Preston's situation, and being such an amazing friend, Katie offered to watch P.  I went today and talked to the director of Preston's school and explained his situation.  I do love Preston's school, but it is just been too hard on him.  Our plan is to re-enroll him in August when he is older and has time to get well.  P is going to love spending him with Caroline everyday and Katie was the counselor at the school that I teach.  We couldn't ask for a better situation/ place for Preston. 

We have a doctors appointment with Dr. Tomberlin on Thursday afternoon.  This is a checkup, and until then, the tubes are on hold... 

Currently, all seems well at the Emerson household... let's just hope it stays that way:)