Our child is pretty much obsessed with pumpkins. From the first time he noticed I had put up a new decoration in the house for fall, he was all over it. He quickly learned what it was and carried it around with him everywhere. Because he was SUPER into pumpkins, I could not wait to take him to the pumpkin patch! When we got there, he ran from place to place saying "kunkin," about every 30 seconds. He was beyond excited to be there... and Brad and I found lots of humor in the whole situation. We ended up leaving with one pumpkin for us to carve, and, of course, Preston got two small ones to carry with him everywhere.
By the end of the Halloween season, Preston had 4 pumpkins that he insisted on keeping at his highchair EVERY time he ate- he barely had room for food, but he had his pumpkins dang it.
After we ventured to the pumpkin patch (which was kind of a let down this year for picture taking purposes), we came home to carve them. Brad and I also couldn't wait to see the excitement in Preston during this. We stripped him down to the diaper, cleared a path to the bathroom, and got everything ready for what we thought was going to be an incredibly messy child. BUT wouldn't you know it? Preston was absolutely terrified of the inside of the pumpkins. He loves the outside- can't get enough, but once Brad cut the top off and started removing the insides, Preston wanted NOTHING to do with it. We also both found this humerous as we thought he was going to love it. Preston would not go anywhere near the insides of the pumpkin... he did, however, decorate his small one with stickers while watching Daddy ever so closely to make sure none of that yucky stuff would touch him.
"Kunkin." |
"I want this one." |
For some reason, I told him to kiss the pumpkin because I thought it would make for cute pictures. Well, he decided that he needed to kiss just about every large pumpkin we came in contact with. (Don't judge from the GERM prospective). |
"What are you looking at? These are my kunkins." |
"What exactly are you doing Daddy?" |
"Oh, I don't want anything to do with that." |
Preston's silly face. |