Friday, November 18, 2011


We both could not WAIT to take P trick-or-treating this year.  He absolutely loves being outside- and it makes it even better when he is being pushed in a wagon and handed candy every time he says, "tick-tee," aka trick-or-treat.  He loved it.  Just about every minute of it.  Unfortunately, Mommy did not plan right, and Preston had his 18 month check up (ugh, I know, 18 months already) that same day.  That also means poor boo had to get TWO shots on Halloween.  He was definitely rewarded later though.  The great thing about Preston is that his shots never really seem to bother him.  Yes he cries when he gets him (and I still do when I get shots as well), but it's a few moments of tears, and then he's over it.  In fact, I can remember when he got his first set of shots at 2 months old, and I was SO nervous about how he would react.  He feel asleep on the way home and stayed asleep in his car seat (AND of course I had brought in and set in the living room, what kind of mother do you think I am?) for TWO HOURS.  This was a miracle at this age.  Ever since then, he has done so well- never gotten a fever, rashes, anything. 

At is check up, Dr. Tomberlin was SO pleased with his health.  She said he sounded and looked perfect... which has been such a blessing.  He is growing right on track, and she again was very impressed with vocabulary and understanding.  After we left there, we headed home for a quick dinner, then off for the real fun!

Preston could not get enough of going door to door and basically picking out his own candy (or cracker as he sometimes calls it).  It seemed like every time I turned around he was trying to consume some more candy.  I honestly don't know how many KitKats he had- but that's what Halloween is for, right?  Let's just say that by the time we got home, had to take him out of the wagon, and take away his ever-so-precious candy, he was not a happy boy.  He didn't want to stop.  I guess it's too soon to explain to him that all good things come to an end...

I can only imagine how much fun Christmas is going to be based on this!  Having children really does bring back all of the amazing memories and pure happiness surrounding the holidays! 

Happy Halloween 2011.  Love, The Emerson's

As you can tell, he is a bit over the camera.

"So, I just candy for wearing this silly costume?"

"I'm going to like this."

"Can I have this one?"

"What?  This is over?"

"Well, I'm still going to eat my candy."

This is Preston on the way to the Dr.  (Please excuse my horrible some what singing)!

This is the day after Halloween!  I wanted to remember how he said tick-tee forever!