Thursday, November 24, 2011


What am I thankful for?

Wow... this could really take a while, so I am just going to hit the two most important:

2.  Preston- Even though he very quickly entering the terrible twos already, he has brought SO much joy and true entertainment into my life.  I am beyond blessed to have such a smart, beautiful, and loving little boy (even if he follows a tender embrace with a slap to the back of the leg).  He is unique.  He is fun.  He is crazy.  He is loud.  He is energetic.  He is ornery.  He is intelligent.  He is adorable.  He is frustrating.  He is amazing.  He is my boy, and I wouldn't trade him for anything!

3.  Brad- SO many years later, with all of our ups and downs along the way, we have grown up together.  From high school students, to the college years, to the "Emerson's," to parents.  Each and every step has had it's own challenges and rewards.  TOGETHER we have learned many life lessons, and TOGETHER we have loved each other through them all.